Are you ready for love heading into the holidays? 3 Signs You Are Attracting Your Powermate Relationship
The Holidays can be a tough time of year if you are single, especially when it comes to getting together with family and friends. Your loved ones may not be able to help themselves when it comes to the infamous questions that single folks are asked:
When are you getting married?
When am I gonna get some grandbabies?
When are you gonna settle down with a nice man/woman?
A lot of members of our free Facebook group Single and Ready by Powermates say that they often experience these questions.
For some of you, you’re perfectly fine with being single, and it definitely has its perks. However for others, this time of year, starting with Thanksgiving, can bring on feelings of sadness, loneliness, frustration, and maybe even anger. There are many things that can bring on these feelings at this time of year:
- Memories of past relationships, especially if you used to go to family gatherings together
- Cooking a holiday meal together or helping out with their family
- Watching the game after dinner together
- Snuggling on the couch or having a fireside chat
- Helping with the clean up after the big meal
This list can go on and on.
But what can be done to curb some of these holiday blues? You can focus on the positive side of being single, especially if you are now dating with the intention to attract your Powermate.
What is a Powermate? A Powermate is your complimentary partner, someone who matches you Spiritually, financially, emotionally and supports you in every way. Someone who you are equally yoked with, not a leech. More than anything, it is not your traditional soulmate, it is not your traditional twin flame. It's not your traditional type of relationship. It is where you do dating differently.
Here are 3 signs you are in Alignment and your Powermate is right around the corner:
1. You are grateful for that future partner, RIGHT NOW
Embody an attitude of gratitude. Be intentional about how you express your gratitude for that Powermate that will come into your life. You can do this by writing them a letter and reading it out loud to yourself or someone you trust. Be sure to write this in the present tense. You will experience a transformation like no other, because this will teach you that you are ready to share these words with your new Love who will soon enter your life. Use words like " I cannot wait until we ....", "I am looking forward to us ....."
2. Visualize and falling love with the feeling of their Powermate
Think about the things that you want to enjoy doing with your Powermate, especially around the holidays. Do you want to cook with them? Get away for a mini-vacation? Go for a hike? Or just sit around the house and enjoy each other on all levels? If you do, then you have to see these in your mind and meditate on them, get familiar with these feelings. This way, when your Powermate shows up you will already be familiar with the feeling and avoid imposters.
3. Pray for them but also Pray to be The Powermate They Are Praying For
When you find yourself asking God to send you this special individual, your wife/husband, this is normally an indicator that you are ready, or at lease getting real close. You don’t want to date just anyone, you are only interested in dating ”your person”. But the icing on the cake for you to know you are attracting your Powermate is when you start praying to be that person that they are praying for. This is a new level of alignment and one that you should pay attention to and cherish.
We get it, not everyone who is single is going to have these feelings, especially around the holidays. Some singles experience a high level of happiness because they feel in control over their lives and can rely on themselves. They feel great about being able to carry their own weight. This article is not for them. This article is for those who are single and value companionship, partnership, and a cohesive union.
Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. Let us know what you find most challenging as someone who wants to be in a relationship but is still single over the holidays!
Also, if you want to find out your own Powermate Dating Personality Type, take the free quiz here!
About the Authors

Rio and Micca Watkins are Powermate Relationship Strategists, Transformational Speakers, and 3x Best Selling Authors. They are also coaches and matchmakers who champion busy singles who are sick and tired of the old way of building relationships and are ready to have peaceful, drama-free love. Rio and Micca use their voices to amplify healthy relationships. Most notable are their appearances in Speakers Magazine, Living the Principles podcast and the Black Speakers Network (BSN) podcast. They use their proprietary Powermate Attraction Framework: Vision + Plan + Action (VPA)© to help singles do dating differently!